Autumn holidays

Many of you will agree with us that autumn has its own special charm. 

After an exhausting active summer, packed with leisure activities, we try to grab at least a few more nice days before the weather turns into its cooler and crisper part. Although it's true that there are some people who prefer less sunny weather. When the weather is nice and sunny and not so cold, you can go hiking just as much as you would in the spring or summer or plan a biking trip. Most sporting activities are better done in autumn or spring when the hot summer sun isn't beating down on your head and the air is uncomfortably hot.

Autumn is also a very good time to explore cities and cultural sights, where you can usually avoid the large crowds of tourists and families with children taking advantage of their kids' summer holidays. On the other hand, if you are a family with children, you can experience the autumn holidays during long weekends or during the autumn holidays so as not to compromise your children's attendance at school. If you do get caught out by cooler weather or even rain on your holiday, there are plenty of different activities to keep you busy. You can have a nice dinner at a nearby restaurant, visit the wellness centre in Štúrovo or the thermal baths, or enjoy a luxurious bath with candles and pleasant music in the Golden Beach Apartment and watch the rain falling on the Danube through the window. You can make the best of any weather, and there is no such thing as bad weather during a holiday or a long weekend, but there is the holidaymaker who is not prepared for all the alternatives that may come his way. And that's exactly what we'd like to avoid and introduce you to all the possibilities that the area around the apartment has to offer.